Court Reporting Services |
All of our court reporters are certified either by the state in which they work or by the National Court Reporters Association or both.
Many of our court reporters are realtime certified and are specialists in high tech litigation support and services. |
How We Can Help You |
Simply call us or schedule your deposition(s) online, anywhere in the United States. has a vast network of professional court reporters ready to serve you.
If your deposition needs are on a multi-state basis, we will line up all conference rooms, court reporters and videographers for those depositions, relieving you of the stress of such duties.
Many of our court reporters carry current passports and are ready to serve outside the United States if necessary. Some of our court reporters are bilingual and can assist the attorney as they travel outside of the US. | |
| court reporting services is a nationwide provider of court reporting services and litigation support.
Our staff is ready and available to assist you on a 24-hour basis 7 days a week. If your travels take you outside of the United States, regardless of the timezone or country we are here to support you in an all night telephonic deposition or even to travel with you and appear at all of the depositions. |
Our court reporters are ready to serve you |
Our court reporters are the best trained and highest skilled professionals in the industry. We can provide realtime hookups for multiple attorneys, utilizing any of the current realtime technologies such as Livenote, Summation and CaseView browsers. |
Trained court reporters make the difference |
Easy Nationwide Scheduling! |
You can simply fax or email us your current discovery calendar and we will line up the court reporters, legal videographers or interpreters for each and every deposition, no matter where it is.
We would be happy to arrange deposition conference rooms in whatever city you desire. Give us a call or schedule your depositions online and we will call you. |
Court reporters natiowide and worldwide! |
AL Alabama - Montgomery AK Alaska - Juneau AZ Arizona - Phoenix AR Arkansas - Little Rock CA California - Sacramento CO Colorado - Denver CT Connecticut - Hartford DE Delaware - Dover FL Florida - Tallahassee GA Georgia - Atlanta HI Hawaii - Honolulu ID Idaho - Boise IL Illinois - Springfield IN Indiana - Indianapolis IA Iowa - Des Moines KS Kansas - Topeka KY Kentucky - Frankfort LA Louisiana - Baton Rouge ME Maine - Augusta MD Maryland - Annapolis MA Massachusetts - Boston MI Michigan - Lansing MN Minnesota - Saint Paul MS Mississippi - Jackson MO Missouri - Jefferson MT Montana - Helena NC North Carolina - Raleigh ND North Dakota - Bismarck NE Nebraska - Lincoln NV Nevada - Carson NH New Hampshire - Concord NJ New Jersey - Trenton NM New Mexico - Santa Fe NY New York - Albany OH Ohio - Columbus OK Oklahoma - Oklahoma OR Oregon - Salem PA Pennsylvania - Harrisburg RI Rhode Island - Providence SC South Carolina - Columbia SD South Dakota - Pierre TN Tennessee - Nashville TX stenographer - Austin UT Utah - Salt Lake VT Vermont - Montpelier VA Virginia - Richmond WA Washington - Olympia WV West Virginia - Charleston WI Wisconsin - Madison WY Wyoming - Cheyenne - Rochester NY
court reporters for depositions and hearings, arbitrations in all 50 states, including:
AL Alabama - Montgomery AK Alaska - Juneau AZ Arizona - Phoenix AR Arkansas - Little Rock CA California - Sacramento CO Colorado - Denver CT Connecticut - Hartford DE Delaware - Dover FL Florida - Tallahassee GA Georgia - Atlanta HI Hawaii - Honolulu ID Idaho - Boise IL Illinois - Springfield IN Indiana - Indianapolis IA Iowa - Des Moines KS Kansas - Topeka KY Kentucky - Frankfort LA Louisiana - Baton Rouge ME Maine - Augusta MD Maryland - Annapolis MA Massachusetts - Boston MI Michigan - Lansing MN Minnesota - Saint Paul MS Mississippi - Jackson MO Missouri - Jefferson MT Montana - Helena NC North Carolina - Raleigh ND North Dakota - Bismarck NE Nebraska - Lincoln NV Nevada - Carson NH New Hampshire - Concord NJ New Jersey - Trenton NM New Mexico - Santa Fe NY New York - Albany OH Ohio - Columbus OK Oklahoma - Oklahoma OR Oregon - Salem PA Pennsylvania - Harrisburg RI Rhode Island - Providence SC South Carolina - Columbia SD South Dakota - Pierre TN Tennessee - Nashville TX stenographer - Austin UT Utah - Salt Lake VT Vermont - Montpelier VA Virginia - Richmond WA Washington - Olympia WV West Virginia - Charleston WI Wisconsin - Madison WY Wyoming - Cheyenne
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